28 November 2009

A brief introduction

Welcome to and thank you for reading my blog.  My mother would say I have an amazing story to tell, and over the past six months it has become apparent how many people want to know my story.   Furthermore, these events have provided me with experiences unlike anything I could have imagined.  It is my hope that, through this journal, I will be able to present these experiences to those who seek it and offer my thoughts on what I have learned.

I welcome questions and comments, whether posted to this blog, on Facebook, or emailed.

Cheers -



  1. Hi Nic! My name is Sandy Dovre and I am one of your mom's HM consultants. I think you are amazing and a true living miracle. Keep on fighting the good fight! I am thrilled that you are now going to blog to us all about your adventure! I know you are going to sail through this next part of your journey with flying colors! My prayers are with you and your whole family!

  2. Hey Nic.. I'm glad to hear that things are doing much better than 6 months ago and I am glad that you are sharing your story. I'm sorry you have to experience this but if you are anything like you were in HS, you'll handle it with grace and humor. Best, Anita

  3. You big jerk, how dare you not tell me that you started a blog... Oh I can't stay mad at you
