30 December 2009

Day 8

Hg 9.3
WBC 0.2
Platelets 24
absN N/A
Creatinine 1.00

Today I felt pretty good, the vampire diet yesterday helped with that.  I'm still plugged up though, so tomorrow they're planning more drastic measures to get things moving.  My belly's starting to distend so I think it's time.

Dr. D'Cuhna stopped by today, he just wanted to make sure my doctors aren't over-reacting to these fluid pockets I have where my left lung used to be.  Before I began chemo I had a CT scan.  The radiologist who read the scan saw the pockets and was concerned they were harboring infection.  He then recommended in his report to my oncologist that they be drained and cultured.  This got my oncologist all concerned since pockets of fluid breeding infection in a chemo patient is dangerous news.  These pockets, however, are normal for two months post-pneumonectomy.  Dr. D'Cuhna has been viewing my CTs and feels they're nothing to be concerned over at this point.  If there was infection it "wouldn't be subtle" and an attempt to drain and culture them would most likely lead to infection.  My pulmonologist concurs with Dr. D'Cuhna, and once my oncologist explained my surgical timeline to the radiologist he changed his recommendation.  So we're all on the same page.

Last day of my steroid treatment was today.  Tomorrow they should switch me completely back to my pump.

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