25 January 2010


Hemoglobin 7.5
Platelets 24
WBC 0.1
Creatinine 1.27

I've had this happen in the past:  I will wake up with a random song stuck in my head.  Any song, even ones I don't particularly like.  And it happens on days when I wake up without an alarm or other input, so I don't think the song is suggested to me while I sleep.  Today it was "Octopus's Garden" by the Beatles.  It used to happen several times a week, but it's been a few months.  It's weird, I've been meaning to write them down and look for a pattern.

Two packets of blood today and some platelets.  Other things are going well, my muscle pain is less today.  My eyesight has also been improving in my right eye.  I still have the floater in my left, but reading things at a close distance has become a lot easier.

I've started reading, my first non-textbook in probably five years:  "The Education of Henry Adams" by Henry Adams.  It's an autobiography that focuses on Adams' views on how to educate a man.  It topped Modern Library's list of best non-fiction books of the 20th century.  Hopefully I'll enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nic. I'm reading this wonderful book. It's called Sabbath - Finding rest, renewal & delight in our busy lives by Wayne Muller. I'm going to recommend it to everyone! I'm taking an advanced spirituality class and this is one of the required reading. We have become so toxic in our lives with all of the technology, work, etc. and this is a reminder to take a minute each day and just breathe! It is not a "religious" book, Muller talks about all faiths - Judism, Buddism, Christianity, Muslem's. I have only read about 1/3 but it is something I think everyone should read in this day and age.

    I know that you are pretty bored there and are not (at this time) involved in all the craziness of life...but it's something to consider because I think it'll help us be healther and also to better ourselves.

    Just a thought. Have a wonderful day...
