22 February 2010

The Beginning of the End

Day -7

Here I am, coming at you live (again) from the University of Minnesota Medical Center - Fairview.  Only this time I'm on unit 4B in room 224 and I'm glad to say it's one of the large-sized rooms.  Not that I can have a ton of people in here, but I'll probably have them bring in a treadmill (since I won't be able to leave my room starting tomorrow).  Plus I have a table and chairs.  Everything else is pretty standard.

My central line was placed this morning.  It took about an hour and everything went well.  They went in at my neck and inserted the catheter into the vein (the red spot near my collar in the photo, it's actually an incision about a centimeter in length).  They then tunneled the remainder of the catheter under my skin down to my chest.  It's cool, you can feel the tube running under the skin.  The entire area is terribly sore though.  My nurse says it'll take a couple days for it to not hurt anymore , but tomorrow the pain will probably be worse.  I just can't move my head or arm or swallow without it hurting.  Super annoying.

I can't say that I'm thrilled to be back in the hospital, but the feeling is bittersweet.  I'm glad that it is finally transplant time but those two weeks I spent out of the hospital were mighty enjoyable.  It's hard to get excited for something that will probably be such a challenge; I feel good and I'll be sad to lose that.  But it is all in the name of progress and I certainly wouldn't change any of my plans.  I'm ready to be cured.

Other than the line placement I didn't have anything done today.  Tomorrow I begin chemotherapy.  It'll be two drugs, Fludarabine (which I've had before during FLAG) and a new one... but I'll get into that tomorrow.

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