07 February 2010

An Update....Finally!

Sorry for the lack of posts.  Here's a rundown of what's happened since my last update.

I started spiking fevers the night after my last post.  For about a week I ran temps up to 104˚F.  I spent almost all that time sleeping.  They eventually determined that my PICC line had become infected.  Unfortunately that meant it needed to be removed.  They couldn't put a new one in until after the infection was under control, so that meant I had to deal with an IV in my hand.  The worst part of it is that they can't do blood draws from an IV, so I had to get stuck, sometimes up to three times a day, to draw blood.

July 2009 - 28 January 2010

In the photo, you can see the three ports in the center, that's what was outside my body.  The rest of that tube went through a vein in my arm, through veins in my chest, to my superior vena cava.  The tip ended just outside my heart.  It's about 46cm total in length.

After about a week of treatment the infection came under control.  I was terribly weak from the fevers and not eating, so I spent the next week sleeping and gaining my strength back.  I felt decent but was easily tired.  And I still had no PICC.

I had a bone marrow biopsy on Wednesday, 03 February.  On Friday I received the results:  <1% blasts! I am back in remission.  By then my counts had also recovered.  I was also surprised to learn that they were discharging me that day too!  I was being sent home on IV antibiotics, so I had another PICC line placed (so I could dose at home) and they sent me on my way.

So now I'm home and enjoying every minute of it!  I get tired fast and take lots of naps, but it is such a pleasure to be sleeping in my own bed, eating my own food, and seeing Yuki.

Tuesday morning I start workup week again in preparation for transplant.  Dr. Oran said things should happen quickly, so I might be back in as early as the end of next week.  Definitely before the end of the month, assuming everything goes smoothly during workup.

Thank you to everyone who has sent cards, visited, or emailed.  I know I'm terrible at replying, but be assured I have read everything and appreciate all the thoughts and wishes while I was hospitalized.  I won't be posting to this blog everyday while I'm out, but will keep it updated as things progress.

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