02 March 2010

Day 1

Hemoglobin 8.5
Platelets 107
WBC 1.1
|Neutrophils| 0.9
Creatinine 1.24

I received my second and last dose of cells from Mitch tonight.  I needed at least five units and he ended up supplying a little over six.  The more the merrier, so they infused it all tonight.  Mitch was feeling sore after it was all done and just wanted to go home to sleep.  He has the day off work tomorrow so he'll have a chance to recover.

My day was pretty standard.  I threw up a bunch and slept even more, but I felt ok by the end of the day.  They started me on liquid nutrition called TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) since I'm typically eating only one small meal a day.  I've been on it before, basically it's a big bag of the building blocks of food (amino acids, electrolytes, lipids) that are specifically proportioned for my body weight and slowly pumped into my veins.  This way I don't have to eat by mouth, although it's better if I do.  My doctors don't want me to start becoming malnourished so they decided to be proactive and start me on it early.  It smells gross.

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