11 May 2010

Day 71

Dr. Oran is pleased with the progress my GVH has made in the past week and doesn't believe further immune suppression is necessary now.  Although the skin on my hands, feet, and face is still dry and peeling, my color "has improved" and the rest of my body looks clear.

The report on my ECHO won't be completed and reviewed by Dr. Oran until later this week, so I'll get a call.  I weighed 90.0kg today, which is one kilo less than yesterday.  She said the prednisone and GVH could be causing to the edema.  Since the GVH is looking better I will start a ten-week taper of my prednisone tomorrow.  This in combination with stopping the Norvasc yesterday and my week-long diuretic run should rid me of all this extra water, pending the ECHO.  I went and bought thigh-high compression stockings today too...they were hard to put on.  But I think they're gonna make a big difference.

The University of Minnesota pharmacies have been out of stock on the pill form of Acyclovir for months.  Instead of taking a pill four times a day, I've had to take 20mL of it in liquid suspension.  They received stock of the pill form recently, so when I got my refill today I received pills!  I'm finally able to put it into my pill box instead of lugging around a jug of liquid form and an oral syringe.  That's a lot less to carry.  I'm excited about it.

My next appointment is a checkup on Friday.  IRael and I will be out for the benefit Saturday, I hope everyone is able to attend!

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