09 March 2011

I just finished with the bone marrow biopsy and labs associated with my one year anniversary. It's already been one year since my transplant. We won't get any saumya until I meet with dr. O next Tuesday, but I don't ezpect any surprises. Ive been feeling well and, with the exception of my hip, things seem to be looking up.

Last week I met with Dr. Young, my infectious disease specialist. She echoed what Dr. O had told me about the clearly of the CT images. She thought I could either stay on the caps or switch to an oral antifungal. She agrees caspo seems to be doing the best job but is open to trying my other options. I chose to stay on the caspo - I really don't wanna end up with pneumonia again. She didn't seem as convinced as Dr. O that I'd need to be on it for such a long time. Definitely for now but hopefully not much longer.

I'm meeting with my hip surgeon this afternoon. Hopefully he will have good news.

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