09 January 2010

Day 16 & 17

Counts from 07 January:
Hemeglobin 9.6
WBC 0.1
Platelets 26

Last night I received the biopsy results.  The leukemia has been diminished from 75% to about 12%, so more chemotherapy is necessary.  My doctors are going to consider the options over the next few days before making a recommendation.  So it looks like I'll start the next round early next week.

Over the past several days I've been having headaches.  The doctors have three possible explanations at this point:  a drug side effect, a bleed in my brain, or the leukemia has moved into my central nervous system.  Last night I had a CT scan which came back normal, but CTs don't have a high resolution.  So today I had an brain MRI which will make any bleeding that's occurring clearly visible.  I also had a lumbar puncture this afternoon to check the cerebral-spinal fluid for blasts.  I should have the results by tomorrow or Sunday.

The painkillers I've been getting for the headaches have made me constipated again.  Other than that I've been feeling pretty good.  The vision in my left eye has been improving as well.

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