09 January 2010

Day 18

Counts for 08 January:
Hemeglobin 8.9
WBC 0.1
Platelets 34

Counts for 09 January:
Hemeglobin 8.9
WBC 0.1
Platelets 29
Creatinine 1.25

Yet another uneventful day.  Headaches continue.  My vision seemed to be improved this morning but has since returned to about where it has been.

My MRI revealed no abnormalities and my CSF is clear.  The cultures of my CSF are still pending but so far things look good.

No plan yet for the next round of chemo.  Dr. Oran has been out of the country and should be returning Monday or Tuesday.  I think we're waiting for her opinion before making a decision.

Tomorrow should be another boring day.

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