21 January 2010

Day 30

Hemoglobin 8.3
Platelets 33
WBC 1.4
|Neutrophils| 1.3
Creatinine 1.02

The renal service met with me this morning to discuss their plans for managing my blood pressure.  The doctor today has two explanations for why I still have difficulty.  Either there are undiagnosed problems that need to be addressed, or the medications I'm currently taking simply are not effective for my personal physiology and should be replaced.  So tomorrow I'll change two of my medications to new drugs and adjust the dosing on a third.  I should see results within four days.  If I still don't see improvement the docs will begin testing for other conditions.  As we spoke today I got the feeling he thinks my problems lie in the choice of medications.  He said at age 25 there is no reason why my pressure cannot be better controlled.  It's time to try something new rather than increasing the dosage on medications that don't seem to be working.

I am back on my pump!  No more hourly glucose checks, plus I'm only connected to an IV for one hour a day while I receive my caspofungin.  My glucose levels are doing well in the transition and my pump settings will continue to be adjusted as I come off the steroids.

Everything else remains well.


  1. I heard this story on the radio today.... is this your fungus? http://minnesota.publicradio.org/display/web/2010/01/22/macalester-fungus-grant/

  2. Yeah, aspergillis is what I had
