28 February 2010

Day -1

Hemoglobin 8.0
Platelets 150
WBC 1.8
|Neutrophils| 1.7
Creatinine 1.24
Received Two Blood Packs

Right away this morning I received two packets of blood before I headed down to be irradiated.  It was an uneventful process, I sat on a table and they irradiated about six minutes on each of my left and right sides.  It was completely painless, colorless, tasteless, etc., the only way I knew the machine was on was because it made a buzzing sound.  Once I was done I returned to my room.  I was actually feeling pretty well for a while, then the effects started setting in.  By afternoon I was extremely tired, my entire body was sore and I was nauseous.  I slept for most of the afternoon, took some meds once I woke up and now I'm feeling a little better.  I'm still experiencing stomach pains.

Tomorrow's the big day.  Mitch will begin collection in the morning and I'll most likely receive the cells by 6 or 7pm.

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