12 March 2010

Day 11

Hemoglobin 9.4
Platelets 36
WBC 2.0
|Neutrophils| 0.7
Creatinine 1.47

I felt a lot better today than I did yesterday.  My white cell count is up again and my doctors believe these are Mitch's cells beginning to present.  They also said this is a sign I could be discharged soon.  That event hinges on four factors:
  1.  My white cell count continues to rise.
  2. I start eating and thus don't need the TPN.
  3. All my IV medications get switched to oral.
  4. No further complications arise.
So we'll see what happens over the weekend.  As my counts rise hopefully I'll feel better and can start eating regularly.  Then Monday my doctors will evaluate the situation and begin discharge preparations if all is looking good.  I could be out of here early to mid next week.  It's great to hear the 'D' word..

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