13 March 2010

Day 12

Hemoglobin 9.5
Platelets 56
WBC 4.4!!!
|Neutrophils| 2.7!!!
Creatinine 1.52

Great news today - my white cell count is in the normal range!  Dr. Oran said that she'll discharge me Monday if I eat well over the weekend.  Most of my meds will be switched to pills by tonight, I'll just need to keep them down (which shouldn't be a problem, I haven't thrown up in days).  I'm super excited but I need to not get my hopes too high.  There are a lot of reasons why my discharge could be delayed by a day or two, some of which are out of my control.  Still, I can't wait to get home.

I've received a growth factor each night, that's why my counts have returned so sharply.  The side effect of this is bone/deep tissue ache (Mitch knows what I'm talking about).  So today I have that soreness but less nausea than I've been having.  I think I get one last dose of the growth factor tonight.  Once it's done it'll take a day or two before the aching stops.

My lunch just arrived:  chicken nuggets, tater tots, peaches, and chicken noodle soup.  We'll see how this goes...

Happy Birthday Mitch!  I didn't get you a gift, unless you want some medical supplies, then I got a whole cart for you...  Who couldn't use saline syringes and gauze pads?  I hope you do something fun.

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