14 March 2010

Day 13

Hemoglobin 8.9
Platelets 70
WBC 9.0!!!
|Neutrophils| 7.4
Creatinine 1.52

This morning I woke up when the doctors made rounds and threw up.  Once they left I went back to sleep until Dietz came to visit around 1300.  I took all my pills, received some dilaudid, and threw up again.  Now I feel fine.  The problem here is that I threw up most of my pills that I took, including my CSA and MMF.  So now my doctors are concerned that I will not be able to keep my meds down and, thus, unable to be discharged.

I had not thrown up in like four days before today.  So I am not sure why I threw up the first time.  Every other time I have had chemotherapy I have had morning sickness for a while afterwards.  With it I get really nauseous right away in the mornings, usually throw up, then feel fine the rest of the day.

The second time I think it was a combination of having taken my pills (there are a lot of them, so my stomach was full of water) immediately before receiving a strong dose of dilaudid... I think the two just did not mesh well. I didn't have a problem taking the same medications last night, so I am hoping this is a one-time deal.  As long as I can keep them down tomorrow morning I think I will be ok.  I really hope they do not discharge me for that reason alone.

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