04 April 2010

Day 34

Hemoglobin 8.3
Platelets 81
WBC 2.8
Creatinine 1.37

I met with Dr. Oran yesterday, she was pleased to see that my counts had improved slightly.  She tweaked the dosing on my medications a little more and hopes to add cyclosporin back when I meet with her again Tuesday.  She also ordered a chest CT to investigate this cough I still have, but because I have no other symptoms she didn't think it would show anything significant.

Last Thursday I woke up and the hemorrhage in my left eye was back, again disrupting about 90% of my field of vision in that eye.  It is exactly like when I was inpatient and my platelets were low, but since that is not the case this time (my platelets are at an acceptable level), I'm not sure what is going on.  I have an appointment with a retina specialist on Wednesday to get it checked out.

I have also been having a lot of pain in my legs and feet.  By the end of the day my feet are swollen with a tingling/burning sensation - Dr. Oran believes this to be neuropathy, a common complication for diabetics.  I also have joint pain in my right knee as well as deep "bone" pain in both legs from my knees to my ankles.  I don't think this too is neuropathy, but Dr. Oran is expediting an appointment for me to see an endocrinologist.  Neuropathy is their specialty so they will figure it out.

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